View this post on Instagram 6 June 1993: #Illustration #calvin #billwatterson #cartoon #selfhelpbooks #calvinandhobbes #comics #funny A post shared by Calvin & Hobbes (@calvinhobbes2020) on May 29, 2020 at 4:55am P Calvin & Hobbes is just funny; I think Bill Watterson, the mysterious author who created it, is a comedian—an artist not devoted to any viewpoint but devoted, ultimately, to comedy. He uses his character, Calvin, to find what is funny. He occasionally also finds what is poignant and moving and profound, but he constantly returns to funny—it is like the True North that he re-orients himself to. I say this not having recently done any deep reading of Calvin & Hobbes; I’ve just been following some of these accounts that re-print old C&H comics. But as I do so, and as he makes me laugh, I find myself wondering what is behind the jokes—what is the viewpoint of this joke,...
So I previously stated this elsewhere and more forcefully--the whole "basketball is coming back" story kind of sucks and we'd all be better off if it weren't the case. On the other hand, "baseball is coming back" is a sensible story that hopefully will happen, although it might not. Let's review the differences. Basketball season goes from November to June. If not for Covid-19, they'd be finishing the Conference Finals this week, getting us set for the final, best-of-seven, championship series to be played next week. However, most everyone agrees that whomever returns to play needs a week-plus of training to get back into shape. So while the Finals normally end by June 15, this rescheduled end-of-basketball-season wouldn't start until July or August, which is usually the offseason. Meanwhile, baseball usually runs from April till late October. Thus, though we've missed the first half of the baseball season, it can start in July and it will be...